Minutes of the Unit 194 Board Meeting

Halifax Sectional

Feb. 14, 2015


Present:  Lydia Prange, Marjorie Wandler, Mike Tanner, Boyd Wells, Bilgin Batman, Bill Halliday, Mark Spear, Liz Legacy, Linda Tuff, Maureen Donovan, Brian Hanson, Karl Hicks and Gerardo Malazdrewicz, Jo Ann Lynds.

Regrets:  Marilyn Bennett

President Bilgin Batman called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated.


New Business:


1.       Split Regional ‐ discussion was held regarding our options ‐ CBF or Restricted. It was agreed that Liz and Yves would investigate sharing with Quebec City.


2.       Storm & the Sunday Swiss. Karl suggested we not cancel and everyone use their judgment.


3.       ACBL Privacy Policy. The unit designates someone to have access to the files. It is ok to send the ACBL Ace of Clubs and the Mini MacKenny information. It was agreed to review and clarify the policy.


4.       The Don Cox Memorial in Truro will have a one session IMP pairs game on Friday.


5.       Payment for delivering the boards. It was agreed to increase Edgar’s expense payment for delivery of the pre‐dealt boards.


6.       District 1 StaC: At the present time, board approval is necessary for clubs in our unit to take part in STaC’s run by other units in our district. A discussion ensued about why clubs can’t play in whatever events they wish and it was noted that participation in other unit’s STaC’s should not interfere with our own sectional tournaments. Doug to investigate district participation in Open Unit StaC’s.


7.       Bridgeline. A discussion was held regarding the Bridgeline ‐ online and some members don’t have access. Clubs can print off copies of the Bridgeline and charge back their cost to the Unit.


8.       Starting times for Sectional Tournaments were discussed and changes were made to the Friday start times. Going forward, start times are as follows:

·         2:00 p.m. and 8:00p.m. on Fridays

·         10:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturdays

·         10:00 a.m. for Sundays

Boyd Wells moved for adjournment.

Respectfully submitted,

Jo Ann Lynds

Unit 194 Secretary