Minutes of the Unit 194 Board Meeting

New Minas Sectional

Sep. 26, 2015


Present:  Karl Hicks, Bill Halliday, Bilgin Batman, Lydia Prange, Linda Tuff, Yves Chartrand, Maureen Donovan, Dan Landry, Gerardo Malazdrewicz, Boyd Wells, Marjorie Wandler, Mark Spear, Brian DeLong, Jo Ann Lynds

Regrets:  Marilyn Bennett, Mike Tanner, Liz Legacy

President Bilgin Batman called the meeting to order.

Call to Order 1:30

Minutes from the Executive meeting of Unit 194 in Halifax on February 14, 2015 were approved as read.

Business Arising:


1.       Review of ACBL privacy policy. According to the policy, clubs in the unit can receive and use the information from the ‘In and Out Transactions Reports’.


2.       Approved Minutes of the executive meetings will be made available as soon as possible on the Unit website.


3.       Dan informed the board that due to several issues such as venue availability, weather concerns and manpower, there will be no Winter Sectional in February 2016 in Halifax.


4.       A discussion was held about keeping the Joe Currie Memorial Game. Suggestion of a Unit championship with clubs to run them ensued and Linda agreed to investigate and report back.


5.       New District 1 STaC Policy. The District Co-ordinator will disburse funds to Units based on participation. Units will be excluded from STaC participation if a sectional is in the area. Unit 194 holds their STaC in January and all units in the district will be invited to join.


6.       Split Regional result. We can’t hold a split regional in our district. We are permitted to hold a restricted regional for: Youth, 0-99, NLM-299 etc.


7.       It was moved by Maureen and seconded by Yves that we apply to the district to hold a restricted regional for 0-750 in the odd years with the first one to be March 2017. Motion carried.


Committee Reports:

1.       Bill circulated the financial reports. It was moved by Boyd and seconded by Mark that the financial report be accepted as circulated. Motion carried.


2.       Can-At Committee Report. The Lord Nelson will be the venue again in 2016. Rooms are refurbished and better lighting has been installed. A budget and playing schedule were presented


New Business:

1.       Director recruitment. A discussion was held regarding recruitment of a sectional tournament director for Unit 194. It was moved by Maureen and seconded by Marjorie that we advertise for a Tournament Director trainee. Motion carried.


2.       Weekend course for club and potential directors suggested and tabled for future discussion.


3.       Fast results at tournament venues were discussed as well as ideas for saving tournament costs. These ideas will be revisited in November.


4.       It was moved by Boyd and seconded by Mark that Unit 194 purchase a dedicated computer for projection of tournament results. Cost approx. $1500. Motion carried.


5.       The Sydney Bridge Club are interested in hosting a sectional tournament in 2017.


6.       Bilgin has been approached by Unit 230 for use of our dealing machine and boards. A price of $250 per tournament plus $10 per set of boards. Insurance was discussed for the dealing machine and it was suggested that the two units should split the cost 50/50.


7.       Start times were again discussed for the Friday games after complaints from members. It was moved by Brian and seconded by Maureen that start times for Friday games be 1:30 and 7:30 beginning the first tournament in 2016. Motion Carried.


8.       Transportation costs - tables etc. (Ron). It was moved by Boyd and seconded by Maureen that we increase the expense to $600 per tournament.


9.       It was agreed that we have new inserts in all bidding boxes, new dealer labels on all boards and better quality cards. Ron to handle replacements.


10.   It was agreed to deal with Mike Tanner’s items at the next executive meeting when Mike will be present.

Boyd Wells moved for adjournment.

Respectfully submitted,

Jo Ann Lynds

Unit 194 Secretary