Minutes of the Unit 194 Board Meeting

New MInas Sectional

Sep. 24, 2016


Present:  Karl Hicks, Bill Halliday, Bilgin Batman, Linda Tuff, Gerardo Malazdrewicz, Boyd Wells, Mark Spear, Mike Tanner, Elizabeth Legacy, Kathie Macnab, Lydia Prange, Marjorie Wandler, Brian DeLong, Jo Ann Lynds


Regrets:  Marilyn Bennett, Linda Tuff


Call to Order 1:30.


Minutes from the Executive meeting of Unit 194 in Truro on April 23, 2016 were approved as read.


Business Arising:

1.       Can-At 2016 Financial Report - Gerry Callaghan’s report was discussed and it was agreed that the committee did a great job. It was moved by Bill and seconded by Boyd to accept the report. Motion Carried.


2.       Cape Breton Sectional will be held in August 2018. Joe Aucoin and Paula MacDonald will be looking after it. Bill Halliday will handle the sanction details.


3.       T-Shirts purchase for prizes.

Motion:  It was moved by Bill and seconded by Mark that the T-shirt prizes be purchased with no date engraved. Motion Carried.


4.       Unit STaC - information provided by Bill Halliday. The STaCs will now be District run.

Motion:  It was moved by Bill and seconded by Brian that we hold a Unit 194 StaC once a year and invite Unit 230 and split the revenues based on attendance. Motion Carried.


It is agreed that Unit 194 will split the revenues with participating clubs through their attendance figures provided that those units inviting Unit 194 to their hosted STaC will split the revenues from their STaC with our Unit based on our attendance figures.


5.       New directors.

A)      Karl stated that both Victor Lamoureaux and Trish Malazdrewicz have completed their training and they are preparing for their exams.

Motion:   It was moved by Boyd and seconded by Mark that Denis Murphy be provided the same financial offer for training at the Halifax Fall Sectional in November. Motion Carried.


6.       Sectional Playing Fees Increase. It was agreed that the Executive recommend a playing fee increase at Unit 194 Sectionals to $12.50 per member. (Non-members fees to increase by $2.50 also).


Committee Reports:

1.       Bill presented the current Treasurer’s report. It was moved by Bill and seconded by Boyd. Motion Carried.


A discussion was held regarding the intense work involved as Treasurer and it was agreed that the stipend be increased.


Motion:  It was moved by Liz and seconded by Boyd that the stipend for Unit 194 treasurer be increased to $1000 per year. Motion Carried.

New Business:

1.       Lydia recommended that we add an addendum to the By-Laws.


Motion:  It was moved by Lydia and seconded by Marjorie that the following be submitted as a notice of motion for discussion and vote at the AGM:


“Any decision that could affect the financial status of Unit 194 must be approved by the Executive and brought to the AGM for ratification after notification by mail or in the Bridgeline subject to 7.1(2) of the By-Laws”.


A discussion was held and it was felt that the change could be part of 10.3 of the By-Laws.


Motion Carried.


The notice will go out to all Unit 194 club managers at least 3 weeks prior to the AGM on November 12, 2016.


2.       Canadian Bridge Championships - Halifax 2018.


Kathie Macnab, CBF board member, asked that the Unit consider holding the Canadian Bridge Championships in 2018. It was agreed to go ahead with plans for the event.


3.       Nomination Committee: All board positions are up for re-election. A nomination committee of Incoming President Lydia, Past President Bilgin and member at large Mike Tanner will contact all current members of the board to see if they are re-offering. They will bring a new slate of officers to the AGM for ratification.


Boyd Wells  moved for adjournment.


Respectfully submitted,

Jo Ann Lynds

Unit 194 President