Minutes of Dec. 13, 2021

                                        Unit 194 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order. Those present:  Ron O’Brien, Marilyn Bennett, Gerry Callaghan, Brian DeLong, Fran DeLong, Arthur Donovan.  Bill Halliday, Elliot Kayser, Jim Kirby, Tim Margolian, Jean Mackenzie, John Olsen, Marylyn Rudolph, Linda Tuff.  John Dow was unable to connect with the meeting.

The main topic of discussion was the Can-At games in July of 2022. Elliot, Tim and Gerry reported on their findings re the various Venues:

The Lord Nelson would not give a discount on rent, thus, the loss to Unit 194 would increase substantially.

 The Westin would provide a room for $1500 a day, plus a 19% service charge and 15% HST.   The HST would be refunded.  The Westin will provide chairs only.  No food or drink would be allowed.  The price of parking may or may not be discounted.  With the price per session raised to $18.00, the loss incurred would hopefully, be less than $4,000. Tim will obtain a viable ‘draft’ contract from the Westin before our next meeting.


Gerry reported that we can get a Sanction to hold the Spring Sectional for the third week of March, at Mount St. Vincent.  He will chair this Sectional.


 The price of increasing the Can-At fees per session was discussed, but no decision made.  Linda thought we had enough money in the bank that we shouldn’t have to raise the price. Linda wondered if we should cancel the Sectionals.  Fran commented that with the loss of Sectionals, and the Can At, the loss would be too great.


The Board will meet on Monday Dec., 20th, at 4:30 pm. to finalize decisions concerning the Sectional in March, and the Can-At in July. Gerry also reminded the Board, that further Covid restrictions are coming into place immediately.  These may impact the Bridge Tournaments of 2022.  

 No further business, Fran moved the meeting adjourn; Gerry seconded. 


Jean Mackenzie, Sec’ty